
Direktlänk till inlägg 27 april 2010

::: Dear Mr UlriK::: My boyfriend is also my EX husband beat that!!

Av Sanna Matzols - 27 april 2010 23:36

I think it was for the best that we spend some time apart.

Becouse now I realy appreciate the t2t,, tv-time and....   

When my man promise me to only take one beer!! Never happens!  

1 for the most turns to many more!!

The problem is that I now love the computer more then him

and never take just one beer and turn up as a missing person in the morning!!


A night out with "The Boys" The other night I was invited out for a night with "the boys". I told my wife that I would be home by midnight ... promise! Well, the hours passed and the beer was going down way too easy. At around 2:30 am, drunk as a skunk, I headed for home. Just as I got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hall started up and cuckooed 3 times. Quickly, I realized she'd probably wake up, so I cuckooed another 9 times. I was really proud of myself, having a quick witty solution, even when smashed, to escape a possible conflict. The next morning my wife asked me what time I got in, and I told her twelve o'clock. She didn't seem disturbed at all. Whew! Got away with that one! She then told me that we needed a new cuckoo clock. When I asked her why, she said "Well, last night our clock cuckooed three times, then said "oh shit," cuckooed 4 more times, cleared its throat, cuckooed another 3 times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, and then farted.

I wish I were around for the advent of the television. It must have been crazy to see a box with people in it for the first time. It also must have impacted the institution of marriage in dramatic ways. For instance, husbands were no longer subjected to endless dialogue and could now have a little downtime while wives across the world spent time with the tv. Well, I thought I could take advantage of the television to get some of my own personal time. Lesson 34: Don’t turn on the television to distract your wife like she is a baby enthralled by a colorful rattle. One evening I was feverishly working on the laptop to finish a project due the next day. My wife spent the evening trying to engage me in discussion by telling me stories, asking me questions, and even inviting me to watch a movie with her. I should have stopped her right away to explain the deadline I was under but instead pretended to listen to her and occasionally responded with an, “Oh really?” and “Hmm.” Realizing she wasn’t getting the hint and that I didn’t have time to explain my situation, I thought of an alternative. I remembered that The Mentalist was recording on Tivo. This is one of my wife’s favorite shows. While she was telling me yet another story, I broke away from work and engaged her eyes. I nodded affirmatively as she spoke while slowly reaching for the remote. Unbeknownst to her, I turned the television on and started The Mentalist. Startled, she looked at the television and then looked back at me. I started working again and said surprised, “Oh, your favorite show. Good idea. Why don’t you watch that for a while.” I realized my acting skills were not convincing as my wife grabbed the remote and turned the show off. “Did you just turn the television on to distract me so you could go back to what you were doing?” she asked very annoyed. “Well, yes. I have a lot to do,” I said. She responded, “You should have just told me.” She abruptly walked off and I continued to work. My suggestion: Even though I was able to continue working, I propose an alternative approach. Just let your wife know up-front when you are busy and can’t talk. Explain the situation to her. More often than not she will understand. Wives aren’t that easy to distract with the television anymore. Perhaps this technique worked for my grandfather, but these days televisions are part of our lives – especially our wives’ lives.

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28 april 2010 00:19

Much happiness for the english written blog! None more of that silly swedish language. Thank you very much! What kind of a man promishes to only take one beer? That's madness for you right there. By the way, I'm very happy with our 90/10 split of TM, works out great for us, aint it?


    Kom ihåg mig



Av Sanna Matzols - 10 mars 2011 00:51

  Bloggen dör snart,,,,ny tid.... nya tankar.....nått som får mitt hjärta att banka. Jag hör.. jag ser.. jag vet.....å dax att göra nytt!!   ...

Av Sanna Matzols - 4 mars 2011 11:07

Kär i låten :D hahahaha Skönt att vara på benen o ute o springa innan solen gått ner ;) vampan har fått ljus på sin näsa och promenad med hund sällskap!!! Laddar fortfarande batterierna då jag inte e 100% frisk :( men skamden som ger sig!!! ...

Av Sanna Matzols - 3 mars 2011 20:47

wiiiiiii äventyret kommer till Dalarna :DÄlskade Lina e på G o jag ser fram i mot helgen som faaan!! Laddar upp för utgång i Borlänge å party till gryningsljus!!! Ska dyka in i garderoben och kolla va det finns där....så man kan dra nå gammalt över...

Av Sanna Matzols - 2 mars 2011 23:26

     Då jag befinner mig i trollerihatten!   Lilla jag....skrattandes med glimten i ögat med dinglande ben på "hatten" jag är en stjärna av alla stjärnor och här sitter jag och filosoferar om  ::VaD JaG SkA BlI NäR JaG BliR StoR::    ...

Av Sanna Matzols - 2 mars 2011 21:28



Livet kan liknas ett spindelnät där varje handling du gör skapar vibrationer i varje ände av trådarna de gäller att vibrera rätt energier för det du ger får du tillbaka x 3
::BlesseD BeeE::


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